Well folks, I must admit, I fell a little behind on my art projects this week. I was not as successful accomplishing my art journal goals as I was last week. But I must remind myself that not all weeks will go as planned and to not stress about it. I have been working with an ADHD coach on thinking more positively. So instead of getting upset about what I didn't get done, I'll be proud of what I did.
And so, this is what I got done for the Embrace Your Art challenge:

The prompt was to use words that described ourselves and the challenge was to use a brayer.
So I used the brayer for my background. I used it to smooth some acrylic colors around. On top of that, I made little chipboard pieces to write my adjectives. Making these pieces was fun. I used stencils and texture paste on top. While the texture paste was still wet, I pressed a rectangle of card stock on top, so I had a place to write my words. I painted them when the texture paste was dry. After writing my words with white gel pen, I applied a coat of glossy modge podge. After I glued my pieces on my background, I went around them with my glue gun and metallic glue sticks.
So I used the brayer for my background. I used it to smooth some acrylic colors around. On top of that, I made little chipboard pieces to write my adjectives. Making these pieces was fun. I used stencils and texture paste on top. While the texture paste was still wet, I pressed a rectangle of card stock on top, so I had a place to write my words. I painted them when the texture paste was dry. After writing my words with white gel pen, I applied a coat of glossy modge podge. After I glued my pieces on my background, I went around them with my glue gun and metallic glue sticks.

While I didn't get both journal prompts done for Journal52, I'm happy with the one I did:

The prompt I chose to do was "favorite David Bowie lyrics". I have always loved the song "Major Tom" and got excited about making a rocket ship. I found a coloring book version of one I liked and printed it out. I used watercolor pencils to color it in. For my background I used a gel medium resist. I made a handful of sparkly stars to go around the ship (I also made a tutorial of how I made the stars and I plan to use it as my next posting so make sure you come back in the next couple days). Under the stars, I drew a scribble in yellow with gel crayon to make the stars pop more.

And lastly I made my week page and "list ten" card for the documented life project.

I got super excited yesterday when the mailman finally brought me my Kraft binder to put my dlp stuff in. Of course now I have to decorate it all, but that's the fun part. Unfortunately I didn't get my PAC card done yet but there's still time left in the week. I think from now on I will shoot for posting my art journal challenges on Friday to give myself more time.
I want to thank you all for checking out my work this week. I always appreciate your kind comments so keep them coming.

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