
Hi! My name is Heather McClelland. I am a mother, wife, crafter, artist. I have two little boys, Jack and Ben who are 5 and 2. They keep me pretty busy most of the time.
I also have the most wonderful husband ever, named Matt. He is the one who allows me to pursue my passions. He encourages and supports me while I accomplish my artistic goals.
We live in a town called Paradise, California. It's a small town in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas.
Since I was a child, I have always been artistically inclined, but it wasn't till I got pregnant with my first son and made him some paintings for his room that I made arts and crafts part of my everyday life. Since then, I've done many different types of crafts, from quilting and card making, to embellishing both furniture and art journals.
I decided to make this blog happen so I could share my work and also share what I know. I hope you all enjoy what I have to offer.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to meet you this way .. have a wonderfull day ... Hilla
